dr hab. Ewa Majewska, prof. SWPS
ORCID: 0000-0003-2653-1339

Ewa Majewska is a feminist theorist of culture, associate professor at the SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland, working on the queer studies/archive theory project Public against their will. The production of subjects in the archives of “Hiacynt Action”. She examines the archives of the surveilling police action targeting gay men in the 1980s Poland. Majewska taught at the UDK Berlin, University of Warsaw; she was a visiting scholar at the UC Berkeley; ICI Berlin and IWM in Vienna. She published seven books, incl. Feminist Antifascism (Verso, 2021), as well as numerous articles and essays in journals, magazines and collected volumes: e-flux, Signs, Third Text, Journal of Utopian Studies and others. Her research focuses on archive studies, dialectics of the weak; feminist critical theory and antifascism. She co-curated the exhibition of Mariola Przyjemska at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw (2022-2023). In 2023 she received the Emma Goldman Award from the Flex Foundation for her research work on equality.

Ewa Majewska


Employment, grants and scholarships

Since September 2022 Associate professor. SWPS University, Warsaw Poland.
2022 Lecturer. Course on censorship, resistance and the freedom of art, Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
2021 Yearly scholarship, City of Warsaw,. Book project Mariola Przyjemska and the Critical Art in Poland after 1989.
2021 Co-curator. Konsumpcja, konstrukcja i melancholia, Mariola Przyjemska solo exhibition, Zachęta Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland.
2020–2021 Lecturer. Course on the relations of art and politics, Szczecin Academy of Art, Szczecin, Poland.
2019–2020 Affiliated fellow. Project “Weak Resistance and its Implications for the Arts,” Institute of Cultural Inquiry, Berlin, Germany.
2018–2019 Grant from the Instytut Artes Liberales Foundation. Project “Counterpublics of the Attacked Others,” Warsaw, Poland.
2017–2019 Research project “Early Solidarność and the Black Protests in theories of counterpublics and subaltern,” sponsored by the National Science Center in Poland (NCN–Narodowe Centrum Nauki, grant nr: 2016/23/B/HS2/01338).
2016–2019 Adjunct professor. Cultural studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
2014–2016 Visiting fellow. Project “Chasing Europe, or on the Semi-Peripheral Publics” (full scholarship), Institute of Cultural Inquiry, Berlin, Germany.
2014–2016 Patterns Grant, Erste Stiftung and WUS Austria. Project “Art and the Public Sphere,” interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates, Graduate School of Social Research of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland.
2013–2014 Researcher. Project “The Notion of Political Solidarity Within Contemporary Polish Social and Political Theories Dedicated to the Post-Solidarnosc History” (full scholarship), Institute of Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, Austria.
2011–2013 Adjunct professor. Cultural studies at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków.
2011 Yearly Stipend, Polish Ministry of Culture. Book project Sztuka jako pozór? Cenzura i inne formy upolitycznienia kultury, Warsaw, Poland 2013.
2010–2011 – Researcher. Project “Love in translation. A proposal for feminist critical theory of neoliberalism,” University of Orebro, Sweden.
2009–2010 Visiting scholar. Project “The political reproduction of otherness. A critical reading of the making of the ‘legal’ under neoliberalism,” BBRG, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
2008–2011 Website Coordination. Indeks 73 Initiative, working to diagnose, discuss and resist censorship in Poland.
2007–2008 Adjunct professor. Cultural philosophy, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland.
2007–2012 Translator (English-Polish), BHP Spółka zoo., Gdynia, Poland.
2003–2004 Expert work for the Polish Government’s Plenipotentiary for Equal Status

Teaching: Courses, lectures and supervised works (summary)
Since 2003 she has taught in Poland, mainly in Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Gender Studies. The courses she taught were always interdisciplinary, and included such topics, as: Politics of Translation; Reading Feminists of Color in Poland; Critical Theories of Culture against Neoliberalism; Publics and Counterpublics; Solidarity as Counterpublics; Feminism and Marxism; Feminist Philosophies of Society; Gender, Body and Sexualities; Gender and Capital; Philosophy of Culture, Politics, Society and Gender; Reading Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”; Ideology and Theory after Postmodernism; Censorship and Freedom of Art. These were courses for undergraduate as well as graduate students.  Altogether she supervised 10 MA works and a similar amount of BA works, she was a tutor of one interdisciplinary Student. In 2022-23 she co-supervised one doctoral thesis, at the Art Academy in Kraków, Poland.

Between 2014 and 2016 she held a seminar for the post graduate students at the Polish Academy of Science (SNS PAN) in Warsaw, “Art and the Public Sphere,” 2 years long interdisciplinary project, combining discussions on contemporary public art and theoretical analysis of the public sphere and counterpublics. (Patterns Lectures Series, sponsored by the Erste Stiftung and WUS Austria).

Membership and activities in professional associations

Since 2024 Board of the Laguna Foundation.
2016-2024 Polskie Towarzystwo Genderowe (Poilish Gender Studies Association)
Since 2019 Polish Philosophy Association/ Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne.
Since 2017 Polish Cultural Studies Association/ Polskie Towarzystwo Kulturoznawcze.
Since 2017 Society of Utopian Studies.
Since 2016 Polish Gender Studies Association/ Polskie Towarzystwo Genderowe.
Since 2005 Polish Association of Hegel and Marx Studies.
2012-2013 Member of the ATGender International Organisation.
Since 2011 Board of the Praktyka Teoretyczna Journal. 
2006-2020 Board of “Towards the Girls” Association.